1. Geographical Context:
- Jesus was born in Palestine, a small country similar in size to Massachusetts, approximately 150 miles long and up to 70 miles wide.
- Nazareth, where Jesus grew up, is about 70 miles from Jerusalem.
2. Political Context:
- Palestine was part of the Roman Empire, which was ruled by Emperor Augustus during Jesus' time.
- The Roman Empire, built by Julius Caesar and Augustus, included all Mediterranean countries.
- Augustus's reign (31 B.C. - A.D. 14) brought peace and prosperity, fostering trade, commerce, and the spread of Christianity.
3. Linguistic Context:
- Greek was spoken in the eastern Mediterranean, Latin in the west.
- Jesus and His disciples spoke Aramaic, the common language of the masses and of business, which had replaced Hebrew after the Babylonian captivity.
4. Religious Context:
- Diverse and often confused religious ideas existed, including the deification of Emperor Augustus and various philosophical schools like Stoicism and Epicureanism.
- Judaism was widespread, with many Jews and some Gentiles practicing it. Judaism was divided into several sects:
- Pharisees: Focused on tradition and the hope of a Messiah.
- Sadducees: Wealthy and influential, denied many traditional beliefs, including the resurrection and the existence of angels.
- Essenes: Rejected ritualism, lived in seclusion, practiced self-denial, and believed in the immortality of the soul but not bodily resurrection.
5. Purpose of Christ's Coming:
- Jesus came into this world with its diverse and complex religious landscape to reveal the true God to humanity.