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Tree of Life Grace Church, Annual Retreat and Water Baptism

Welcome to the Annual Retreat and Water Baptism at Tree of Life Grace Church!

1. Introduction:

Hello, fellow believers in Christ Jesus! I want to share with you a brief overview of recent activities at our church. We recently held our annual retreat and water baptism on Sunday, October 22nd, 2023. We were blessed to have 32 participants in total, including 10 adults, 15 youth, and 7 children. Among them, two students accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior, and I had the privilege of baptizing them on the same day.

2. Praying for Accepting Christ:

As we gathered on that Sunday, we commenced our worship of God. Alongside prayers and hymns, I delivered a sermon based on Matthew 3:13-17 and Matthew 28:19-20, focusing on God's great commission and the significance of baptism.

3. Lunch Break:

Following the worship service and offering prayers for the two students who embraced Christ, we provided our members with a well-deserved lunch break. It was quite remarkable to witness how, despite limited financial support, God graciously ensured that we had ample food while leaving us with some money saved.

4. Water Baptism and Retreat:

Finally, after completing various activities, we granted our members the opportunity to freshen up. During this time, I encountered two of my English students, one of whom I have adopted as my own son. He comes from the impoverished Preah Vihear province, and due to his parents' financial constraints, I have taken him under my care. Unfortunately, he often goes hungry. 

As a few hours passed, we packed our belongings and concluded our retreat and baptism with the guidance and grace of Jesus. If you are interested in supporting our church activities, you have the option to donate or subscribe to our cause below. Thank you, and may God bless you abundantly!


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