Reflect on the predictions we have just read. How could Daniel, a Hebrew living during Babylon's reign, foresee the succession of empires for hundreds of years? We struggle to predict tomorrow's weather or next week's stock market! Yet, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome followed each other exactly as Daniel predicted, as confirmed by any history textbook.
Is God in control of the future? Can we find hope in His grand plan? The answer is a resounding, YES!
Feet and Toes of Iron Mixed with Clay
The feet and toes of the statue, made of iron mixed with clay, symbolized the division of the Roman Empire. Daniel explained, “The kingdom shall be divided...partly strong and partly fragile” (Daniel 2:41-42). The prophecy did not predict a fifth world empire but a fragmentation of Rome into numerous kingdoms, represented by the ten toes. This division occurred as barbaric invaders from the north fractured the decaying Roman Empire in the fourth and fifth centuries (A.D. 351 to 476). The resulting independent nations became the modern nations of Europe, fulfilling the prophecy literally.
Verse 43 reveals attempts to unite Europe under one ruler would fail: “They will not adhere to one another.” History confirms this as Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin all failed in their attempts to unify Europe. History supports the accuracy of God’s word and His control over future events, assuring us that we can trust His promises.
The Stone
Following the period of divided nations, another great event is foretold: “In the days of these kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed” (Daniel 2:44). Nebuchadnezzar’s dream concluded with a stone, “cut out without hands,” striking the statue's feet, breaking it into pieces, and turning it to chaff blown away by the wind. The stone then became a great mountain that filled the whole earth (Daniel 2:34-35).
Daniel revealed that this stone symbolizes a kingdom established by God, which will end all previous kingdoms and last forever. Verse 45 emphasizes this eternal kingdom established by God.
The stone represents the coming kingdom of God, with Scripture identifying Jesus as the Rock (1 Corinthians 10:4). At Jesus’ second coming, sin will be eradicated, and Christ’s eternal kingdom will be established. Today, we have seen all parts of Daniel’s prophecy fulfilled except this final act—the stone striking the statue. We are nearing the climax of history: Christ’s return. This event will occur according to God’s timetable, not sensational predictions. Jesus will soon end humanity's long struggle and bring us to eternal life with Him.
Despite living in a world marked by conflict, terrorism, and suffering, we must focus on the ultimate truth: history is heading toward a face-to-face encounter with Jesus. It's time to prepare to meet Him. The same hand that guided Daniel through millennia of history can guide us through the complexities of our lives.